
I am a lover of film! On this blog you will find all manner of things relating to film. For more information, click the on the information tab above this message. Thankyou!


Thursday, 23 May 2013

[Famous Film Scene] - Good Will Hunting

An iconic scene from one of my favorite films, 'Good Will Hunting'. Sean teaches Will some valuable life lessons, and finally seems to get through to the troubled genius. It was made famous by its truth, moving nature and brilliance in acting - Enjoy!

Good Will Hunting - IMDB

Thursday, 16 May 2013

[Famous Film Scene] - The Great Dictator

Released in 1940, 'The Great Dictator' was one of Charlie Chaplin's most acclaimed films. In this scene, mistaken for a dictator, Chaplin delivers an extremely inspirational speech, addressing the fundamental issues with the human race. What makes this scene so staggering is its relevance to today's society, sixty-three years after it was released.

The Great Dictator - IMDB

Monday, 13 May 2013

Film Recommendation - Dead Man's Shoes

Excellent [For rating system, see information tab at top of blog]

This film is arguably one of the best revenge films ever made. Released in 2004, Shane Meadows utilises his British roots to create a realistic and gripping story that renders the audience fixated.

A somewhat underrated film, the story follows Richard, a solider returning to his hometown in Middle England to exact revenge on the thugs that bullied his disabled brother. He plays sinister games with the gang before brutally 'executing' them one by one, disguising his psycopathetic nature with vengeance for his brother. 

Dead Man's Shoes owes it's success to two major factors; Shane Meadows directional style being the first. His writing incorporates knowledge of England's gentle rural landscapes with a darker culture beneath - thus creating a rather ironic but beautifully shot film. His style is both perfectionist and realistic, and this is apparent in every aspect of the film. It is the attention to detail that brings each of the characters to life on screen, effortlessly making the audience relate and empathise.

The second successful component within Dead Man's Shoes is the choice of cast. Each one of the characters is perfectly performed, generating a screen ensemble that is exceptionally natural and realistic, which is vital for this type of film. If the characters are not believable, how can the audience relate? 

Dead Man's Shoes - A exceptionally well made, casted and performed film; sinister, gripping and disturbing. Truly one of my favourite films.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Behind The Scenes....

A collection of interesting behind-the-scenes photos from famous and popular films, both past and present. Click the images to enlarge and browse:

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Iron Man

The Dark Knight

Pulp Fiction



Star Wars

The Avengers



Sesame Street



Back To The Future: Part III

Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part Two

Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part One


Leon: The Professional

The Hunger Games


Terminator 2: Judgement Day

The Terminator

The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom

The Muppets 

The Shining

Django Unchained
