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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

[Review] Super 8 - 9th August 2011

 - Average [For rating system, see information tab at top of blog]


Release Date: 5th August 2011
Director: J.J Abrams
Writer: J.J Abrams
Cast: Elle fanning - Amanda Michalka - Kyle Chandler - Joel Courtney - Riley Griffiths


From producer Steven Spielberg, and primarily television writer and director J.J. Abrams, comes ‘Super 8’ a film following a group of friends who witness a train crash whilst making a film of their own. Soon after the crash, strange things begin to happen in a local town; revealing something far more sinister.

Clearly, any ‘Steven Spielberg’ production is bound to attract a large audience who will have very high expectations. However, I was personally disappointed. ‘Super 8’ is a film that worked well in parts, but was weak in others.

J.J. Abrams has made his name writing for television shows such as ‘Fringe’, ‘Lost’ and ‘Alias’, as well as directing popular films like ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Mission: Impossible III’. Therefore, considering ‘Super 8’s’ premise, you would think he was the perfect man for the job – and in terms of direction, this is correct.

J.J Abrams did not try to overcomplicate the film, but instead used simple methods that allowed it to progress at a satisfactory pace. Without trying to spoil the film (for those who have not seen it), the ‘unknown’ sinister element, once revealed, is not predictable – and does not ruin the element of suspense built up throughout the film.

The problems with ‘Super 8’ emanate from its writing. While J.J Abrams directed a good film, it has to be said he did not write to the same standard. The narrative is effective; the story flows fluently and keeps pace. However, development of characters and use of dialogue is substandard resulting in a total loss of realism in some scenes. Another consequence of the poor writing was the two dimensional performances presented by the actors who had little to work with, for example, the scenes of panic contain dialogue that make it very difficult to relate to the events portrayed in the film.

Finally, I also have to take issue with the setting of the film. Its premise states that it is set in 1979, however there was little evidence of this. Objects and props used were in keeping with this time frame, but costumes and house settings were not so appropriate for the era.

‘Super 8’ - a relatively unique film that is well directed, but containing many faults that make it a less than satisfactory experience to watch! 

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